Representatives of public service, heads of municipal units, leaders and workers of administration, representatives of self government institutions, leaders and specialists of privately owned, public and municipal enterprises, representatives of public organizations, research workers, postgraduate students, are invited to take part in the conference.
The conference committee are planning to arrange presentation and discussion on a wide range of problems within the conference framework. All technical devices are provided for the speakers.
The committee are planning to arrange projects exhibitions, presentations proposed by the participants. The boarding, the size of materials and other details are to be negotiated till June 10, 2013. E-mail:
The languages
The working languages are Russian and English.
Requirements and Guidelines
Technical requirements to the texts submitted to the conference should be:
1. The size up to 6 pages MS Word.
2. Times New Roman 14; 1,0 space.
3. Margins 2 cm from both sides.
4. 0,5 cm – to begin a new paragraph.
5. The title of the reports should be in the middle of the line in upper-case.
6. Next line – surname and first name degree, title, place of work/study, position.
7. Next line – electronic address.
8. Tables, diagrams, drawings should have titles.
9. Division of a word is not allowed.
10. References to the sources within the text are given footnotes.
Please, note that:
The articles are to be sent by e-mail: Applications, articles, theses are to be sent till June 7, 2013. «Conference 1, surname, first name». The booklet of extracts will be published before the conference start. Theses and reports sent after June 7, 2013 will be on the website of the conference and
Registration fee
Registration fee 1.500 rubles should be paid while registered before the conference start.
Официальные объявления
Официальные объявления
Новости губернатора
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