Conference Committee
Conference Committee
Orlov Andrey Victorovich – Chairman of the committee, Head of Chebarkul Town district, President of Mining district Chelyabinsk Region “Gorniy Ural” (mountenous Ural)
Shustov Boris Mikhailovitch - Chairman of the committee, Director of INASAN, corresponding member of RAS.
Degtyar Vladimir Grigorievich - Chairman of the committee, General Director General Design Engineer of the State Rocket Centre named after V.P. Mekeev, Doctor of Engineering State prize-winner of RJ Jenin Komsomol prize, V.P. Mekeev’s prize-winner award, corresponding member of RAS, member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Science.
Alekseev Vladimir Alexeevich - vice chairman of the committee, Head of the Laboratory TRINITI, State prize-winner of the Urnaian Sovet Socialist Republic in physics, Honoured Fest-Engineer of cosmic equipment.
Estyanenko Vyacheslav Vasilievich - vice chairman of the committee, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics INASAN, chief research worker, professor.
Kletetschka Gunther PhD chief of the department of extraterrestrial geophysics and geology faculty of science Karlov University Prague Geology Institute of Czech Academy of science.
Dr. Giuseppe Longo – Italy professor, Bolonia University.
Dr. Eric W. Elst – astronomer, Belgium.
Grokhovsky Victor Iosifovich – candidate of science, senior researcher of the Urals Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Eltsin, assistant professor of UFU, member of the committee of RAS studying meteorite society.
Anfilogov Vsevolod Nikolaevich – Director of mineralogy Institute the Urals branch of RAS, professor, corresponding member of RAS.
Medvedev Yuri Dmitrievich – Federal state Funded Research Institution, the Institute of applied astronomy RAS (IPARAN), Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Chief of the Laboratory, professor.
Simonenko Vadim Alexandrovich – Deputy Chief of Russian Federal Nuclear Centre VNIITF named after E.I. Zababakhin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, member of European Astronomy Society.
Zakharov Sergei Gennadievich – Chairman of Chelyabinsk Regional branch of RGO, candidate of geography, assistant professor of Geography Department and MPP FGBOU Chelyabinsk state Pedagogical University Chelyabinsk.
Shestakov Alexander Leonidovich – Rector of Research University of the South Urals state University, Doctor of Engineering, professor, Honored Worker of Higher school of Russian Federation, Chairman of Rectors Council of URFO.
Chernobrov Vadim Alexandrovich – writer, coordinator OONIO Kosmopoisk.
Avdin Vyacheslav Victorovich – Doctor of Engineering, Dean of the Chemistry Faculty South Urals Russian state University.
Lupishko Dmitry Fedorovich – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor astronomy Research Institute, Kharkov, Ukraine.
Marov Mikhail Yakovlevich – academic RAS (Russian Academy of science).
Popov Alexey Vladimirovich – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics IZMIRAN.
Senin Anatoly Vladimirovich – candidate of chemistry, assistant professor of Physical Chemistry Department South Urals Russian state University.
Sutkina Elena Victorovna – leader of the project, post-graduate Student of Philosophy Department Chelyabinsk state University, counselor of the Head of Chebarkul.

Официальные объявления
Официальные объявления

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