International research and practical Conference
Dear Sirs,
The Institute of Astronomy RAS (Russian Academy of Science) Chebarkul administration, State Rocket Centre named after V.P.Makeev, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University invite you to take part in the International Conference “Asteroids and Comets. Chelyabinsk Event and Investigation of the Meteorite fall into Chebarkul Lake”.
There was an unique event on February 15 2013 in Chelyabinsk. It was the Meteorite fall of a great size. It was for the first time that the meteorite fall in a densely popular area. Many witnesses observed it and moreover it was confirmed with numerous pictures made with the help of digital cameras. Geographic and magnit investigations were made in Chebarkul Lake where the fragments of the meteorite weighted more than 100 kg fell. The type of the meteorite was determined, micron fractions of in were found and composition of the gas was determined as will.
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